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Support Cardiff University

We are deeply grateful to the alumni and friends who support Cardiff University through generous donations, fundraising, by leaving a gift in their Will or in memory of a loved one.

The support we receive through these gifts funds world-class research and helps to make sure every Cardiff University student can access the education and opportunities they deserve.

How you can support Cardiff University students and research

Give now

Make a monthly on single donation online and help make a difference.

Fundraise for our research

Fundraise with #TeamCardiff for our neuroscience, mental health and cancer research.

Give in your Will

Find out more about leaving a gift in your will, including suggested wordings and our will writing jargon buster.

Gifts in memory

By choosing to remember a loved one with a gift to Cardiff University, you are helping to save, change and enrich lives in Wales and beyond.

Find out more

Development and Alumni Relations