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Fee and access plan

Under the Higher Education (Wales) Act 2015, we are required to develop a fee and access plan each year and invest a proportion of undergraduate fee income on fee and access plan activity.

Our fee and access plan sets out the activities we will deliver to ensure equality of opportunity and fair access for groups under-represented in higher education and to support them in achieving successful outcomes. This includes measures to attract applications from and retain students from those under-represented groups.

The plan also details how we will continue to provide higher education, including Welsh language provision, to all undergraduate students by enhancing student experience and employability.

Fee and access plan summary

To promote equality of opportunity, widen access to higher education, increase Welsh medium learning and improve outcomes for under-represented groups and vulnerable students, we will:

  1. Raise aspirations and increase access to HE amongst under-represented groups
  2. Ensure that continuation rates for underrepresented groups are in line with the rest of the student population
  3. Increase the number of students studying through the medium of Welsh through the enhancement of the University’s Welsh Language community, culture and provision
  4. Improve the employability of under-represented students

To promote higher education, improve civic engagement, ensure high-quality teaching and learning and support the student voice and graduate employability, we will:

  1. Continue to focus on global, community and civic engagement that is impactful and of high-quality
  2. Provide a high-quality learning and teaching environment
  3. Focus on enhancement that improves the student experience
  4. Continue to provide curricula and wider opportunities to enhance student employability

View our current plan

Medr approved variations to our 2023-25 and 2025-27 Fee and Access Plans (FAP) on 25 September 2024. We made changes to our FAPs to address a factual error in Section 1 of the FAP. Before Medr approval, the changes to our FAP were discussed with student representatives and agreed upon by the Chair of the University’s Finance and Resources Committee, by Chair’s Action and under delegated authority from Council.

HEFCW (the predecessor body to Medr) approved earlier variations to the 2023-25 FAP on 25 April 2024. The changes were made to the tuition fee levels in Section 1 of the FAP, following a change to Welsh Government policy which confirmed that the tuition fee cap (the maximum tuition fee that regulated providers can charge to certain students on full-time undergraduate courses) will increase. This increase in the tuition fee cap means that Welsh universities can charge the same level of fee charged by higher education providers in England, Northern Ireland and Scotland since 2017. Before HEFCW approval, the changes to our FAP were agreed by the University’s Finance and Resources Committee, under delegated authority from Council.

Fee and access plan 2025-27

Fee and access plan application submission to Medr.

To request the earlier versions of the 2023-25 or 2025-27 Fee and Access Plan, or for any other queries about the University's Fee and Access Plan, contact

Plans from previous years

Download our HEFCW/Medr approved fees and access plans from previous years:

Name Type Last updated
Fee and access plan 2018-19 PDF 07/08/2017
Fee and access plan 2019-20 PDF 08/08/2018
Fee and access plan 2020-21 PDF 11/07/2019
Fee and access plan 2021-22 PDF 21/01/2022
Fee and access plan 2022-23 PDF 14/10/2021
Fee and access plan 2023-25 PDF 04/10/2024