Vice-Chancellor's Office team
The Vice-Chancellor's Office provides a focal point for the co-ordination and integration of University business.
The support team in the Vice-Chancellor's Office (VCO) provides an efficient, effective and confidential service for the Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Pro Vice-Chancellors, and the Chief Operating Officer.
Some of their responsibilities include:
- handling all correspondence, emails, telephone calls and meetings for the VCO
- being a two-way channel of communication around the University
- arranging University dinners and events, including the keynote lectures sponsored by the VCO
- maintaining the University's files of communications from organisations including Universities UK, HEFCW, Higher Education Wales, and the Welsh Government.
Contact the team
Name | Role | Contact |
Rachel Baker | Business Manager for Innovation | +44 (0)29 2251 1773 |
Su Ballantine | Administrative Assistant, general and financial enquiries | +44 (0)29 2087 0692 |
Emma Fisher | PA to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor | +44 (0)29 2087 4607 |
Sian Ballard | Business Manager to the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Education and Student Experience | +44 (0)29 2068 7053 |
Sunita Farnham | PA to the Vice-Chancellor | +44 (0)29 2087 4835 |
Tom Hay | Head of the Vice-Chancellor’s Office | +44 (0)29 2087 9665 |
Emma Heady | Internal Engagement Officer | +44 29208 75572 |
Izzy Macfarlane | PA to the Pro Vice-Chancellor of Research, Innovation and Enterprise | +44 (0)29208 70652 |
Rhian Murphy | Executive Assistant to the Chief Operating Officer | +44 (0)29 2087 0650 |
Steven Nagle | PA to the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Education and Student Experience |
+44 (0)29 2087 0530 |
Samantha Scanlon | PA to the Pro Vice-Chancellor International | +44 (0)29 2087 0219 |
Dena Stephens | Diary Secretary to the Vice-Chancellor | +44 29208 74976 |
Tina Woods | Deputy Business Manager for the Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research, Innovation and Enterprise | +44 (0)29208 74885 |
Personal Assistants to the College Pro Vice-Chancellors
Name | Role | Contact |
Donna Beckerley | PA to the Pro Vice-Chancellor, College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | +44 (0)29 2087 0653 |
Shelley Grimstead | PA to the Pro Vice-Chancellor, College of Biomedical and Life Sciences | +44 (0)29 2087 9907 |
Rachel Ladhams | PA to the Pro Vice-Chancellor, College of Physical Sciences and Engineering | +44 (0)29 2068 8443 |
If you'd like to get in touch with the Vice-Chancellor's Office you can send an email to the team.