Director of Communications, Marketing and Student Recruitment

Laura Davies is Director of Communications, Marketing and Student Recruitment.
As leader of the Communications and Marketing department, Laura is responsible for the University’s communications, marketing, public affairs, civic mission, events, student recruitment, widening participation, admissions and international activity.
Prior to becoming Director, Laura was Director of Student Recruitment and Outreach at Cardiff, and before that held roles in the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences and in the Business School. Laura’s first role in the University was as its first Widening Access Officer, working within what was then a much smaller Communications division.
She is a Director of FOR Cardiff, the city’s Business Improvement District, and chairs its place marketing workstream.
Laura graduated from St Anne’s College, Oxford in 2003 and holds diplomas from the Chartered Institute of Public Relations and Chartered Institute of Marketing. She is a fluent Welsh speaker.