Chief Transformation Officer

David Langley is our Chief Transformation Officer.
A member of the University Executive Board, this two-year post has been created to provide vision and strategic leadership for organisational change across the University.
Dr David Langley took up the post of Chief Transformation Officer on 29 April 2024.
He was previously Chief Operating Officer at the University College of Osteopathy, London. Prior to this, was part of the founding executive team that created New Model Institute of Technology and Engineering (NMITE), the innovative disruptor HE in Hereford, where he led external engagement. Dr Langley has also held senior roles at Bristol University (as Director of Research and Enterprise Development), Welsh Government (as Deputy Chief Scientific Adviser to Wales), Cardiff Business School (as Professor of Practice in Research Management), Imperial College London (as Director of Research Services), and worked for Medical Research Council, NHS and in the private sector. He has a PhD in neuropharmacology and is a Fellow of the RSA. He has also been a consultant and worked with Advance HE on governance and leadership.
As the University's Chief Transformation Officer, Dr Langley has responsibility for:
- providing vision and strategic leadership for organisational change across the whole of the University
- establishing the principles, standards and frameworks to create and implement fundamental transformational change that has long term impacts for the institution
- both the portfolio management office and the strategic planning department to ensure alignment and delivery of the transformational strategy
- embedding change into the structures and operating model of the University, to ensure continuity of success.