Stephen Mann LLB (Hons) FIoD FPMI FRSA

Stephen graduated with a Law Degree from Cardiff University qualifying as a solicitor in 1990, working firstly in the City before moving in-house to Aviva where he subsequently became UK Legal Services Director.
He later became a statutory Board Director of Aviva’s UK business with Executive responsibility for strategy, business services and major capital initiatives. He also chaired Aviva’s With Profits Committee and its UK Retail Investment business.
Stephen then spent nearly 15 years in CEO roles, firstly at the Police Mutual Group and then at the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, the Royal Chartered and regulatory professional body for actuaries.
Stephen has also been a non-executive director at Alico UK, an independent member of the Audit and Risk Committee at the College of Policing and a member of the City of London Socio-Economic Diversity Taskforce seeking to widen access to professional and financial services firms. He was a founding Trustee and Chair of the Fundraising and Project Committee for the Police Arboretum Memorial Trust.
Stephen is a Fellow of the Institute of Directors, The Pensions Management Institute and The Royal Society of Arts.