Dr Siân Rees

Dr. Siân Rees is an education and change consultant with over 13 years’ experience in higher education.
She was previously Associate Dean, Enterprise and Innovation at Cardiff School of Management and Head of Newport Business School. She was a member of the QAA Benchmark Panel for Business and Management. Prior to entering HE, she gained wide-ranging experience over more than 25 years in industry, performing key education and training, sales and IT senior management roles at UK and European levels for a variety of international IT and financial services companies, including Barclays Bank and Oracle.
Alongside her executive roles, Siân has built up significant experience as a non-executive director and trustee including roles at Glas Cymru, Girlguiding Cymru, Institute of Directors Wales, Chartered Institute of Management, Chartered Association of Business Schools (Small Business Charter), United World Colleges and Seren Publishing.
Siân is a Vice President of Cardiff Business Club, a Chartered Manager, a Fellow of the Leadership Academy for HE and a Certified Management and Business Educator.
Siân holds a first degree in English, an MBA with distinction, a postgraduate certificate in education and many professional certificates in computing, technology and professional skills development. She has been awarded a doctorate which has focused on the development of the ‘Entrepreneurial University’.