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Council is the governing body of the University. It has the ultimate power to make decisions in all matters affecting the university.

Council is the supreme authority of the University. It is responsible for the efficient management and conduct of the affairs of the University, including finances and property. The full terms of reference for the Council are detailed in Statute VII.

The Council regularly reviews its effectiveness, and an action plan is developed from the review. A summary report for the 2024 review will be available soon.

The University is a registered charity and Council acts as the charity's Board of Trustees.

Council usually meets four times a year and there is a series of activities throughout the year, including development activity.

Current members

Council is made up of a majority of lay members as well as staff and student members. Find out more about current members of Council.

Chair of Council

Patrick Younge
Patrick Younge

Patrick Younge (BSc 1987) is one of the UK’s leading media figures with an international career in the world of television and media.

Patrick was appointed Chair of Council in January 2022. He is also a member of the Finance and Resources Committee, Governance Committee and Remuneration Committee.

Governor Apprenticeship Programme

During the 2024/25 academic year, Cardiff University continues to participate for the fourth year in the Governance Apprenticeship Programme (GAP) led by Perrett Laver.

The University was one of the launch partners for the scheme in the 2021/22 academic year. The scheme aims to bridge the gap to achieving board diversity and shorten the timeline to creating truly representative boards.

The University appointed Tukiya Mutupa as the Apprentice Governor on Council from 1 September 2024 to 31 August 2025.

Register of interests

In accordance with our Ordinances, and in line with good practice, the University publishes the Register of Interests for all members of Council and Audit and Risk committee.

Download the latest register of interests for Council (PDF).
Download the latest register of interests for Audit and Risk committee (PDF).

Statement of Independence

The University Council appoints lay members to act as independent governors. The University has adopted a robust approach to ensuring independence of lay members. This approach and the Definition and Principles of Independence are set out in the Statement of Independence.

Benefits policy

The University has a Benefits Policy for all lay members of Council, including payment of expenses, benefits and hospitality.

Download the Trustee Benefits Policy (PDF).

Committee minutes

Find all of the meeting minutes for the current year and the three previous academic years.

More information

If you have any questions about the role of council members or the nomination process, contact Governance:
