Committees perform a variety of functions. Their terms of reference, as defined by Ordinance or other regulation, set out their membership, powers and duties and lines of reporting. They may also provide a means of representation and consultation.
Our university level committees
- Council
- Senate
- Audit and Risk Committee
- Academic Promotions Committee
- Academic Standards and Quality Committee
- Biological Standards Sub-Committee
- Education and Student Experience Sub-Committee
- Environmental Sustainability Sub-Committee
- Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Sub-Committee
- Finance and Resources Committee
- Genetic Modification and Biological Agents Safety Sub-Committee
- Governance Committee
- Health, Safety and Wellbeing Sub-Committee
- Honorary Fellowships and Degrees Committee
- Investment and Banking Sub-Committee
- Nominations Sub-Committee
- Open Research Integrity and Ethics Sub-Committee
- Pension Fund
- Professorial and Senior Salaries Committee
- Programme and Revalidation Sub-Committee
- Redundancy Committee
- Remuneration Committee
- University Awards and Progress Committee
Committee structure

Council and Committees Structure
Detail of the University's committee structure
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