Charter, Statutes and Ordinances
The constitutional framework within which we operate is based upon our Charter, Statutes and Ordinances.
The Charter, first granted in 1884, sets out the purpose and powers of the University. The Statutes amplify the Charter and any changes to both the Charter and the Statutes are approved by the Privy Council on behalf of His Majesty the King.
Ordinances support the Charter and Statutes and are created and approved by the Council. Other regulations may be created and approved by Council or by other committees on delegated authority from the Council.

The Charter defines the objects, powers and officers of the University. Embodied within it are fundamental principles such as the University's power to teach, examine, carry out research and award degrees.

The Statutes contain details of the members of the University, officers, and rules concerning statutory bodies.

The Ordinances give practical details concerning the way in which the University is governed within the general framework of the Charter and Statutes.

Committee Constitutions of Major Committees
These provide the constitutions of the following University Committees: Audit and Risk Committee, Finance and Resources Committee, Governance Committee, Remuneration Committee, Academic Promotions Committee, Honorary Fellowships and Degrees Committee, University Awards and Progress Committee, Academic Standards and Quality Committee, Education and Student Experience Committee.

Sub-Committees and Standing Panels
These provide the compositions and terms of reference for the following Standing Panels and Sub-Committees: Biological Standards Committee; Environmental Sustainability Sub-Committee; Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Sub-Committee; Health, Safety and Wellbeing Sub-Committee; Investment and Banking Sub-Committee; Nominations Sub-Committee; Open Research Integrity and Ethics Committee; Professorial and Senior Salaries Committee