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Found an otter?

We rely on reports of otter carcasses by members of the public, organisations, the police and local authorities.

If you've found a dead otter, please contact the relevant organisation dependent on the location. You will be asked for the location of the otter and some other basic information.

Location of otterTelephone numberOrganisation
03708 506 506 (Ask for your nearest conservation or biodiversity officer)
Environment Agency
Wales0300 065 3000 (Ask for your nearest conservation or biodiversity officer)Natural Resources Wales
Scotland01471 822 487International Otter Survival Fund

Other wildlife mortalities

You can report all wildlife road mortalities on Project Splatter. Other schemes collecting dead wildlife for research and monitoring are available on WILDCOMS.


As otters are a European Protected Species, it is necessary to hold a licence to possess dead otter specimens. Licences from Natural England, Natural Resources Wales and Scottish Natural Heritage cover those involved in collecting, temporarily storing or transporting otter specimens for Cardiff University Otter Project.

Contact us

For further information, contact the Otter Project:

Otter Project