Albany Primary school visit
26 January 2018

On Thursday 25 January CITER students visited Albany Primary School, Roath to deliver the popular “blood, bones and gory bits” workshop to sixty year five children.
The workshop is very interactive and involves scientific activities based on three areas; blood and cells, bones and organs and how maggots help in wound healing.

Some of the hands-on activities included the children making their own cell out of modelling clay as well as racing maggots using the CITER maggot racing track. The children enjoyed the competiveness and the "best cell model" and "fastest maggot racer" received a certificate.
"the children found all activities highly motivating. They were fully engaged throughout. The hands on approach with staff available to immediately answer questions and offer assistance was ideal for all learners".
The workshop was delivered by PhD students Alina Akhbanbetova, Amy Codd, Saleha Al-Atawi and undergraduate students Tasnim Abusalem and Taqwa Abusalem
The success of the CITER school workshops relies entirely on our brilliant volunteers; if you are interested in taking part please contact the CITER office at The calender for 2018 is very busy!