X-ray diffraction
We have a variety of single and powder X-ray diffractometers capable of tackling the most challenging of problems.
The determination of solid-state structures impacts widely from the development of functional materials to formulation of effective pharmaceuticals.
Our diffractometers are capable of collecting high-resolution data at low temperatures to systems that can probe structures up to 900°C under 10 atmospheres of reactive gases.
Powder XRD
- Panalytical XPert diffractometer with 96 position autosampler
- Bruker D8 diffractometer with multi-sample holder.
- Bruker D8 diffractometer with high temperature sample stage (Paar HTK 1200) and low temperature cryostat (Oxford PHenix).
- Panalytical XPert diffractometer with Anton Parr XRK reaction cell and on-line GC/MS analysis
Single crystal XRD
- Rigaku R-axis IV diffractometer (copper rotating anode)
- Agilent SupaNova Dual Atlas diffractometer, equipped with an Oxford Cryosystem cooling apparatus
State-of-the-art analytical equipment and experts in data interpretation are available to support your needs.