Dr Hu Du
Senior Research Fellow
- duh4@cardiff.ac.uk
- +44 (0)29 2087 5589
- 1.28, Bute Building, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3NB
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Dr Hu Du’s main responsibilities at Cardiff University include:
- Managing the delivery of European Commission Horizon 2020 Plug-n-Harvest project
- Developing research proposals for external funding of research
External activities
- Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy
- Member of the International Building Performance Simulation Association
- Welsh Crucible 2017
- Reviewer Board Member of Energies
- Reviewer of Applied Energy
- Reviewer of Building and Environment
- Reviewer of Building Simulation
- Reviewer of Automation in Construction
- Reviewer of Building Services Engineering Research & Technology
Dr Hu Du is the Principal Investigator for European Commission funded Horizon 2020 Plug-n-Harvest project (2017-2022) at Cardiff University. He is also a Senior Lecturer in Building Services at Liverpool John Moores University. He was supported by the Welsh Government's Sêr Cymru programme researching into future technologies for capturing solar energy and the integration of solar technologies in the built environment, at building communities and larger scales. The Sêr Cymru programme is part of the Chief Scientific Adviser for Wales’ strategy to increase research capacity in STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine) related subjects, and is designed to attract high-profile scientific talent to Welsh universities.
Before joining Cardiff in December 2014, Dr Hu Du was a Senior Lecturer in Architecture and Energy Simulation at the Oxford School of Architecture and Oxford Institute for Sustainable Development, Oxford Brookes University. He was promoted to Senior Lecturer after 2-year lectureship at the same institute. He led a postgraduate teaching module (Modelling and Passive Design Strategies) and supervised MSc dissertations on the MSc Sustainable Building: Performance and Design programme. He also worked on a range of cutting-edge research projects on climate change adaptation of new buildings, innovative refurbishment and building performance evaluation of existing buildings. He developed and evaluated refurbishment strategies for two historical office buildings funded under the Innovate UK’s ’Invest in Innovative Refurbishment’ programme and conducted building performance evaluation for a visitor centre funded under the Innovate UK’s ’Building Performance Evaluation’ programme. He also developed climate change adaptation strategies for five live architecture projects (a new eco-town development, two low impact schools and two sustainable healthcare buildings) funded under the Innovate UK’s ’Design for future climate: adapting buildings’ programme.
Dr Hu Du gained his PhD from University of Northumbria with the thesis titled: ’Modelling of building performance under the UK climate change projections and the prediction of future heating and cooling design loads in building spaces’. He holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Building Energy and Environmental Performance Modelling from Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University and a BEng in Building Environment and Services Engineering from Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, China. As PhD researcher, Hu worked on the 3-year EPSRC funded COPSE (COincident Probabilistic climate change weather data for a Sustainable built Environment) project (2008-2011), wherein he developed a simple calculation method for predicting the distribution of future cooling design loads, and a tool in Matlab to generate future Test Reference Year and Design Reference Year weather files from UK Climate Projections 2009 Weather Generator raw data.
- Hepple, R., Du, H., Feng, H., Shan, S. and Yang, S. 2023. Sustainability and carbon neutrality in UK's district heating: a review and analysis. e-Prime - Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy 4, article number: 100133. (10.1016/j.prime.2023.100133)
- Roberts, F., Yang, S., Du, H. and Yang, R. 2023. Effect of semi-transparent a-Si PV glazing within double-skin façades on visual and energy performances under the UK climate condition. Renewable Energy 207, pp. 601-610. (10.1016/j.renene.2023.03.023)
- Han, S. et al. 2022. Behaviour in public open spaces: A systematic review of studies with quantitative research methods. Building and Environment 223, article number: 109444. (10.1016/j.buildenv.2022.109444)
- Yaowen Chen, Y. C. et al. 2022. Optimization and comparison of multiple solar energy systems for public sanitation service buildings in Tibet. Energy Conversion and Management 267, article number: 115847. (10.1016/j.enconman.2022.115847)
- Gutiérrez González, V., Ramos Ruiz, G., Du, H., Sánchez-Ostiz, A. and Fernández Bandera, C. 2022. Weather files for the calibration of building energy models. Applied Sciences 12(15), article number: e7361. (10.3390/app12157361)
- Han, S. et al. 2022. A systematic review of objective factors influencing behavior in public open spaces. Frontiers in Public Health 10, article number: 898136. (10.3389/fpubh.2022.898136)
- Song, C., Duan, G., Wang, D., Liu, Y., Du, H. and Chen, G. 2021. Study on the influence of air velocity on human thermal comfort under non-uniform thermal environment. Building and Environment 196, article number: 107808. (10.1016/j.buildenv.2021.107808)
- Chen, L., Li, Y., Du, H. and Lai, Y. 2021. Solar radiation nowcasting through advanced CNN model integrated with ResNet structure. Presented at: Building Simulation 2021, Bruges, Belgium, 1-3 September 2021Proceedings 17th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association (Building Simulation 2021). International Building Performance Simulation Association
- Xu, S., Li, Z., Zheng, C., Huang, Z., Tian, J., Lou, Y. and Du, H. 2021. A method of calculating urban-scale solar potential by evaluating and quantifying the relationship between urban block typology and occlusion coefficient: a case study of Wuhan in central China. Sustainable Cities and Society 64, article number: 102451. (10.1016/j.scs.2020.102451)
- Wang, D., Qi, T., Liu, Y., Wang, Y., Fan, J., Wang, Y. and Du, H. 2020. A method for evaluating both shading and power generation effects of rooftop solar PV panels for different climate zones of China. Solar Energy 205, pp. 432-445. (10.1016/j.solener.2020.05.009)
- Wang, D., Hu, L., Du, H., Liu, Y., Huang, J., Xu, Y. and Liu, J. 2020. Classification, experimental assessment, modeling methods and evaluation metrics of Trombe walls. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 124, pp. -., article number: 109772. (10.1016/j.rser.2020.109772)
- Dong, Y., Liu, Y., Wang, D., Wang, Y., Du, H. and Liu, J. 2020. Review of latent thermal energy storage systems for solar air-conditioning systems. International Journal of Energy Research 44(2), pp. 669-707. (10.1002/er.4960)
- Du, H., Huang, P. and Jones, P. 2019. Modular facade retrofit with renewable energy technologies: The definition and current status in Europe. Energy and Buildings 205, article number: 109543. (10.1016/j.enbuild.2019.109543)
- Wang, D. et al. 2019. Frost and high-temperature resistance performance of a novel dual-phase change material flat plate solar collector. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 201, article number: 110086. (10.1016/j.solmat.2019.110086)
- Du, H., Streblow, R., Montalbá, L. M. and Sendra, C. 2019. Post-Workshop Report for Plug-N-Harvest Modular Façade Retrofit Workshop on Sustainable Places 2019. Proceedings 20(1), article number: 14. (10.3390/proceedings2019020014)
- Segarra, E. L., Du, H., Ruiz, G. R. and Bandera, C. F. 2019. Methodology for the quantification of the impact of weather forecasts in predictive simulation models. Energies 12(7), article number: 1309. (10.3390/en12071309)
- Chen, L., Du, H. and Li, Y. 2019. Scoping low-cost measures to nowcast sub-hourly solar radiations for buildings. Presented at: Sustainable Built Environment Conference, Cardiff, 24-25 September 2019. pp. -.
- Du, H., Bandera, C. F. and Chen, L. 2019. Nowcasting methods for optimising building performance. Presented at: Building Simulation 2019: 16th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, Rome, Italy, 2-4 September 2019. pp. -.
- Du, H., Barclay, M. and Jones, P. 2018. Generating high resolution near-future weather forecasts for urban scale building performance modelling. Presented at: Building Simulation 2017: 15th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, San Francisco, 7-9 August 2017 Presented at Barnaby, C. S. ed.Proceedings 15th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association (Building Simulation 2017). International Building Performance Simulation Association pp. 868-875.
- Fernandez Bandera, C., Fei Munoz Mardones, A., Du, H., Echevarria Trueba, J. and Ramos Ruiz, G. 2018. Exergy as a measure of sustainable retrofitting of buildings. Energies 11(11), article number: 3139. (10.3390/en11113139)
- Du, H., Jones, P., Segarra, E. L. and Bandera, C. F. 2018. Development of a REST API for obtaining site-specific historical and near-future weather data in EPW format. Presented at: Building Simulation and Optimization 2018, Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge, 11-12 September 2018.
- Ng, B. et al. 2018. Refurbishment options to decarbonise a 1960s public office building by 2050s. Presented at: CIBSE Technical Symposium, London South Bank University, London, 12-13 April 2018.
- Huang, P. et al. 2018. Heat and moisture transfer behaviour in Phyllostachys edulis (Moso bamboo) based panels. Construction and Building Materials 166, pp. 35-49. (10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.01.092)
- Wei, S., Yong, J., Ng, B., Tindall, J., Lu, Q. and Du, H. 2018. Occupant adaptive behaviour: an effective method towards energy efficient buildings. Presented at: CIBSE Technical Symposium, London South Bank University, London, 12-13 April 2018.
- Du, H., Jones, P. J. and Long, C. 2017. A novel approach to predict real-time urban heat island effect and indoor overheating. Presented at: Passive Low Energy Architecture (PLEA) 2017, Edinburgh, UK, 3-5 July 2017.
- Du, H., Jones, P. J. and Ng, B. 2016. Understanding the reliability of localized near future weather data for building performance prediction in the UK. Presented at: The IEEE International Smart Cities Conference, Trento, Italy, 12-15 September 2016Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), 2016 IEEE International. IEEE pp. 1-4., (10.1109/ISC2.2016.7580826)
- Fong, J., Edge, J., Underwood, C., Tindale, A., Potter, A. and Du, H. 2016. Application of a new dynamic heating system model using a range of common control strategies. Buildings 6(2), article number: 23. (10.3390/buildings6020023)
- Du, H., Jones, P. J. and Lannon, S. C. 2016. Creating localised near future weather data for predicting the performance of buildings in the UK. Presented at: The 12th REHVA World Congress CLIMA 2016, Aalborg, Denmark, 22-25 May 2016 Presented at Heiselberg, P. K. ed.CLIMA 2016 - 12th REHVA World Congress, 22-25 May 2016, Aalborg, Denmark, Vol. 9. Aalborg: Aalborg University, Department of Civil Engineering pp. 537.
- Ng, B., Du, H. and Underwood, C. 2015. Investigation of the sensitivity of the future climate and building construction standards to the ground source heat pump (GSHP) design. Presented at: CIBSE Technical Symposium, London, UK, 16-17 April 2015.
- Gupta, R. and Du, H. 2015. Building performance evaluation programme: College Lake Visitor Centre.. Project Report. Technology Strategy Board.
- Gupta, R. and Du, H. 2014. Adapting Dragon Junior School for future climate. Project Report. [Online]. Technology Strategy Board. Available at: https://connect.innovateuk.org/documents/3197389/9829689/Final%20Report%20version%202
- Levermore, G. et al. 2014. Deriving and using future weather data for building design from UK climate change projections? An overview of the COPSE Project. Project Report. Manchester: Manchester University.
- Lamond, J., Gupta, R., Gregg, M., Du, H. and Williams, K. 2013. Evaluative application of UKCP09‐based downscaled future weather years to simulate overheating risk in typical English homes. Structural Survey 31(4), pp. 231-252. (10.1108/SS-01-2013-0005)
- Gupta, R. and Du, H. 2013. Adapting the design of hospital buildings against a warming climate. Presented at: Building Simulation 2013 (BS2013): 13th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, Chambery, France, 25-28 August 2013.
- Gupta, R. and Du, H. 2013. Using a simulation based approach to adapt the designs of zero carbon homes against a warming climate. Presented at: CIBSE Technical Symposium, Liverpool, UK, 11-12 April 2013.
- Prasad, S., Yaldron, K., Gupta, R., Du, H., Gregg, M. and Du, H. 2013. Adapting the new Queen Elizabeth II Hospital for future climates. Technical Report.
- Du, H., Underwood, C. P. and Edge, J. S. 2012. Generating test reference years from the UKCP09 projections and their application in building energy simulations. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology 33(4), pp. 387-406. (10.1177/0143624411418132)
- Du, H. 2012. Modelling of building performance under the UK climate change projections and the prediction of future heating and cooling design loads in building spaces. PhD Thesis, Northumbria University.
- Du, H., Underwood, C. P. and Edge, J. S. 2012. Generating design reference years from the UKCP09 projections and their application to future air-conditioning loads. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology 33(1), pp. 63-79. (10.1177/0143624411431775)
- Barclay, M., Kang, J., Sharples, S., Wang, B. and Du, H. 2012. Balancing comfortable thermal & acoustic built environments in a sustainable future. New Zealand Acoustics 25(1), pp. 4-13.
- Du, H., Edge, J. and Underwood, C. 2011. Modelling the impacts of new UK future weather data on a school building. Presented at: Building Simulation 2011, Sydney, Australia, 14-16 November 2011Proceedings of Building Simulation 2011. pp. 538-545.
- Barclay, M., Kang, J., Sharples, S., Wang, B. and Du, H. 2010. Estimating urban natural ventilation potential by noise mapping and building energy simulation. Presented at: 20th International Congress on Acoustics, Sydney, Australia, 23-27 August 2010Proceedings of 20th International Congress on Acoustics, ICA 2010.
- Du, H., Underwood, C. and Edge, J. 2010. Modelling the impact of a warming climate on commercial buildings in the UK. Presented at: Clima 2010 -10th REHVA World Congress 'Sustainable Energy Use in Buildings', Antalya, Turkey, 9-12 May 2010.
Dr Hu Du have been giving guest lectures, public speaking and running workshops on the following subjects:
- Weather data for buildings
- Renewable technologies for buildings
- Perspectives on building performance
- Simulation methods for design performance assessment
- Urban climate and prediction of urban heat island effect
- Design for future climate
- Building physics
- Indoor air and mould
- building services engineering design and research
Research interests
Dr Hu Du has been the Principal Investigator of 4 research projects. He has been active in pursuing research in the low carbon building field where he has been working on 17 cutting-edge research and innovation projects (with a total value over £2.8 million) funded by European Commission, Innovate UK, EPSRC, Welsh Government, British Council and Leverhulme Trust.
Dr Hu Du is interested in building performance modelling and evaluation, sustainable building technologies, building adaptation in a changing climate, innovative refurbishment, lighting environment modelling, dynamic thermal modelling, CFD modelling, urban scale modelling, building optimisation and statistical analysis of big data. His projects and roles in these projects are listed below.
- European Commission (Horizon 2020): Plug-n-Harvest, 2017-2022, €445,222 for Cardiff University (total European Commission grant €5.99m), role: PI at Cardiff University.
- Welsh European Funding Office Knowledge Economy Skills Scholarships (European Social Funds, KESS 2 East): Developing optimal domestic low carbon ventilation technologies to improve air quality and reduce health risks from indoor and outdoor air pollution, 2019-2022, £59,411, Co-I.
- HEFCW Welsh Crucible Seedcorn funding: Health cost of mould and damp in Welsh homes, 2018-2019, £9,976, role: PI.
- British Council (Researcher Links Workshop Grants): China-UK Workshop on Renewable Energy Systems in Zero Carbon Villages, 2018-2019, £22,800, role: PI.
- HEFCW Cardiff University Global Challenges Research Fund: HABITAT- HArvest modular façade for zero bills Buildings In Tibet plATeau, 2018, £34,408, role: PI.
- Welsh Government: Sêr Cymru Academic, 2014-2019, £360,000, role: Co-I.
- Innovate UK (Invest in innovative refurbishment – Tranch B Phase 2): Innovative refurbishment of internal wall insulation, 2013-2014, £839,439, role: Co-I.
- Innovate UK (Invest in innovative refurbishment –Tranche 2): Innovative glazing and ventilation package for historic buildings, 2013-2014, £601,849, role: Co-I.
- Innovate UK (Invest in innovative refurbishment –Tranche 1): Innovative glazing and ventilation package for historic buildings, 2012-2013, £19,986, role: Co-I.
- Innovate UK (Invest in innovative refurbishment – Tranch B Phase 1): Innovative installation of internal wall insulation, 2012-2013, £19,992, role: Co-I.
- Innovate UK (Building Performance Evaluation): In-use BPE study of College Lake Wildlife Visitors Centre, 2012-14, £58,290, role: R.
- Innovate UK (Design for Future Climate: Adapting Buildings): Dragon Junior School for the Future, 2012-13, £99,915, role: R.
- Innovate UK (Design for Future Climate: Adapting Buildings): New Queen Elizabeth II (QEII) Hospital, 2012-13, £99,942, role: R.
- Innovate UK (Design for Future Climate: Adapting Buildings): Edge Lane – TIME ‘To Improve Mental Health Environments’ Project, 2012, £99,752, role: R.
- Innovate UK (Design for Future Climate: Adapting Buildings): Ebbw vale 11-16 School, 2012, £100,000, role: R.
- Innovate UK (Design for Future Climate: Adapting Buildings): NW Bicester Eco Town, 2012, £100,000, role: R.
- EPSRC: COPSE – COincident Probabilistic climate change weather data for a Sustainable built Environment, 2008-11, £84,790, role: PhD R.
- Leverhulme Trust: A sustainable hub – regeneration of Cardiff centre station, 2008, Role: Volunteer
Supervision experience
2 research assistants and 4 PhD students
I am interested in taking 1 or 2 PhD students each year in the following research fields:
- Big data for buildings and cities
- Building integrated renewables
- Urban heat and microclimate
- Low carbon ventilation
- Weather data and climate change
- Building performance prediction
- Modular building retrofit